Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunshine on my Shoulder


It's been an interesting day so far. Unlike many Monday mornings when I give in the whines of Sophia and my own tired eyes, I had us all packed up and ready to go to the gym at a decent time. Key in, van on, can't get it out of park. The button on the side wouldn't push in. Turning the wheel, turning the van off, nothing helped. Sigh. After a few phone calls and stuff, I tried again. It worked this time, but barely went from reverse to drive, so we dropped it off at the dealership.

Stage two: I thought while I had Erick's Jeep, I'd do something nice for him by having the oil changed. It's been a while since he's taken the time to do that... At Jiffy Lube, I was told that the Jeep has two hoses so leaky and rotten that they wouldn't even work on it. Wow.

Starbucks instant coffee is gross.

Erick has a late meeting tonight.

Sophia has been up before 6 am for weeks now.

My house is less than spotless. I guess that would mean it's spotted.

I had to sew up one more hole in Lulu before Sophia could nap.

I'm sure there's something else I could throw in the mix here. However, my point is that I'm in a seemingly unexpected good mood. No explanation other than the sun. It's a beautiful sunny fall day. I'm wearing capris! I don't typically think of myself as that affected by the weather. I actually enjoy rainy days or cloudy mornings. I guess it's just been rainy and cloudy so much lately that these days of sunshine have soothed my soul.

Aaahhhhhh. It feels good.
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  1. I am a total sunshine girl. :) When it's rainy or gloomy, that is my mood too. Wish it didn't, but at least we've had some beautiful days. It makes my spirits soar, too.

  2. What a day! You deserve some good stuff. I'll process your pics first tonight and put some sneaks for you on FB before I go to bed. I'll try to have them up by 9:00 so that you don't have to stay up super late--sounds like you need a good drink and a bubble bath!

  3. You just made my week, Rhiannon! I'll be posted by the computer around 9:00. No pressure, though. Erick's meeting will last until 10:00, so I'll be up till then as a dutiful wife. :)

  4. Ahhhhhhh....soaking up the last of it, those warm, delicious. energizing rays, before hunkering down for what's to come!! That can turn any day into a doable day, in spite of the degree of difficulty built into it. Ate lunch on our patio and wanted it to go on and on! Love, LLZ
