Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Respite

When grieving, not all moments are bitter. There are many, many sweet ones, made all the juicier by the grieving. We have had too many of these to count recently. Sophia has been the funniest, wittiest, most congenial and cooperative version of herself. I take absolutely no credit for this and consider it proof of God's care for us. Not that she's normally ill-tempered, but she is two.

One of my favorite things she says these days is when she climbs up on the couch, pats the seat next to her and says, "There is plenty of room for you next to me, Mommy." Who could resist? Her "I love you"s have been more frequent and voluntary. Her hugs just a little more lingering. Her kisses just a little easier to steal. Anyway, all in all, she's been a dear girl and a wonderful friend through all this.

I've tried not to let her suffer for my distraction. It's definitely been the house, but that will all catch up. It still hasn't been warm enough for me outside, but we have made more trips outside because she loves it.

Truly, there is no more relaxing activity than digging in the sand.

Unless, of course, it's going for a stroll.


  1. I am just now reading the posts on grief. I do agree that we don't give it the time it needs. I love to read and am fascinated by how people used to grieve. Women would wear black for months and others would know that they were in "mourning." Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I would share more, but AI is on and I don't want to grieve about missing it.
