Friday, October 15, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

Sophia had her first field trip yesterday. Her preschool went to Peach Tree Farms, and I went with them. It was my first foray into field trips, and it was exactly what I thought it would be. 7 parts insanity, 2 parts brilliance, 1 part misery. That may be a slight overstatement, but that may be exactly what it felt like!

Sophia had a great time once she got past the "scariness" of the goats. (She's meant for city life.)

She asked her friend Ella to ride with us, and they were two peas in a pod. Ella kept up with Sophia's incessant rambling and matched her crazy remark for crazy remark. It was entertaining to say the least. The two oldest girls in their class, they look a little alike too.

Next came the highlight of the trip for Sophia - the hayride! It was the highlight for me as well. As a few of us moms stood around waiting for the wagon to come back, hoping none of the children had jumped, we remarked on the peace and quiet of the moment.

That didn't even last until Sophia could get off. Here she is telling me all about the ride and her ideas about what to do next.

Sophia was also very excited to pick out her own pumpkin. The first thing she told Erick was that Elliott's dad had cut her pumpkin off for her. All the kids were very excited about that part. Sophia and Jimmy are showing each other their names Sharpie'd on the bottom of the picks.

No visit to the pumpkin patch would be complete without a stop to visit the rabbits. No visit to the rabbits is complete without... making funny faces at them? Apparently, that IS the case.

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