We have noticed with joy and heartache that our baby is no longer a baby. It seems awfully early to me, but I suppose she'll revert every now and then. We have that to look forward to. Lulu is no longer NuNu, and she isn't her constant companion either. There are many days LuLu just spends the whole day in bed - lazy thing, leaving me all alone. Gone, too, are the little, yellow Pooh books. Believe it or not, I have managed to keep track of them, but she has, at least temporarily, lost interest. The two finger suck is going away too. It is used much less often these days.
Those are all things she isn't doing any more. Something she is doing - speaking in sentences! She has quite a way of turning a phrase, and we really enjoy it. When it's time for nap or bed at night, her newest thing is to say, "I don't go bed any more." She is also getting more and more creative. Today she had a friend named Bobby sitting on the swing with her. Among other things, she told me Bobby was funny. Then again, so is Sophia. She tells me that very often. She has known for a long time that being funny is important to us. (We'll deal with the consequences of that if she turns out to be less amusing down the road.) Anyway, yesterday, as she was repeatedly pushing the boundaries and having the consequences consistently raised, she just came back with "I so funny." I finally got her to agree that it isn't funny when we don't listen, but the look on her face told me she was not entirely convinced. The truth is, she's right and she knows it. I just have to stick by my guns. For once in my life, I can't fully appreciate (at least openly) the humor of a situation! Darn.
Anyway, all that to say Sophia is growing up. I'm sure you all saw it coming, but you could have let me in on it! That's not really true. Of course every parent tried, but I didn't listen. Well, now I realize. The days can be long, but time is flying!
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