Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Winter's Over

It's been over for a couple of weeks now I guess. I've been too distracted by the cold temperatures and chilling wind to notice. Anyway, I haven't said anything about this, even though I noticed a while ago. I didn't want to jinx anything. This winter was exponentially better than last as far as Sophia getting sick. Last winter, Sophia was in the doctor's office probably every ten days or two weeks. Our longest stretch of health was four days....seriously. So, even though Sophia had the burnt hand and stuff this winter, I'm just really grateful that our entire winter wasn't fraught with sick days and visits to the doctor's office. I would call that a big victory.

Now, on to allergy season!

1 comment:

  1. We did better this winter, too... knock on wood.
    Love this photo!
