Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I don't know why. Maybe it's because we already went to Silver Dollar City Christmas early or because I'm just excited about having a potty trained kid (yep, pretty well), but for some reason, I am feeling a lot like Christmas. I love this season, and I tend to like starting early. Of course I'll have it all down a day or two after Christmas...

Our plan for this evening included going to church, but Sophia is either coming down with a cold or experiencing some nasty allergies so we decided to pass on church. Instead, we thought it would be fun to get out our Christmas stuff and take inventory.

Once it was out, we couldn't help but put most of it up. The rest will go up tomorrow. I know, it's a little ridiculous, but you should have seen Sophia's face. As she was digging through the ornaments, wiping her nose and sniffing, she looked up and said, "Mommy! My allergies flew away!" So it was worth the hassle just to take her mind off her stuffy head for a bit.

We have had this white tree since Sophia was one. I hold a special place for this tree in my heart because of what it's been to our family. However, I don't love it. It's not Christmas to me. After Christmas last year, we bought a (hopefully) beautiful green tree. Much more to my taste. So we decided to put the fun tree upstairs in Sophia's playroom. She's crazy about it. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time upstairs.


She was very proud of the finished product.


We can't decorate for Christmas without having hot chocolate. Believe it or not, this is not our first hot chocolate of the season. Not even counting the one we had in 70 degree weather at Silver Dollar City!


One other thing we managed to get up tonight was the mistletoe. Sophia is a big fan. Even more than Erick. So they "catch" each other under it frequently...


Hope everyone else is getting in the spirit too!

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  1. It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun :) Where is the pic of the green tree?? Hope Sophia feels better soon.


  2. I love that you're decorating early, I can't wait to get ours up too. Enjoy!

  3. So when I look with amazement that WalMart replaced Halloween with Xmas, I will remember that YOU are part of the problem... Oh well, enjoy! (and thanks for the warning about mistletoe, now I'll be ready for E trying to spot me under it)
