Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Magic House


Saturday we had planned to meet my college roommate's family (Risha, Paul, Lilly and Nora) in St. Louis at The Magic House. Unfortunately, Nora came down with something on Friday, and given our travel plans next week, they decided not to risk exposure. Not to mention, it probably wouldn't be a lot of fun for them with a sick 16-month-old. Since Sophia was so disappointed about not getting to see her friends, we decided to go ahead and go to The Magic House. We had never been, and it was a lot of fun!

They currently have a Curious George exhibit with lots of fun little activities and such. The picture at the top is next to George's NYC apartment building.

This picture was taken about a minute before Erick and Sophia came out of this very passageway and Erick wrenched his back. So we'll remember The Magic House for a while...


There were lots of things for kids Sophia's age. Sand tables, slides and play equipment. And water. She stayed here about 15 minutes and would have stayed longer if we didn't remind her that there was a whole building still left to explore.


We had to make one more stop at the Curious George room before we could leave. Sophia really loved this rocket ship for some reason. She wanted to stay just so she could keep hanging out at the top...


Since we didn't have friends to hang out with, we ended up doing a little shopping. No substitute for quality catching up, but we still had fun - in spite of Erick's injuries.

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