Sophia has been healthy and extremely funny lately. However, she has been having some trouble being too excited and having too much to say in order to sleep. I've done a lot of driving in the afternoons because she won't sleep in her bed. So I think she is definitely trying to go down to one nap. Also, last night she talked in her bed from 8 until 10.
Anyway, I say all that to tell you this afternoon's story. She went down just fine for her nap, saying "Amen!" at the end of her prayer as always. About the time I got to the bottom of the stairs, she started talking. That's pretty normal, so I ignored it. Fifteen minutes later it turned into a fuss, then a cry. I walked through the door without turning the light on, and she started saying "shirt." When I got to the bed, I figured out why. She had somehow managed to get her shirt completely off and wipe her nose on it. She can't even get her arm out of her sleeves usually, so this one will be a mystery for a while.
It's always something.
Great picture!