Friday, March 28, 2008

Cardboard sucks...

...the moisture right out of your hands.

Our main project today at "Work Day" was cleaning out the attic above the garage, allowing us to clean the garage and put away our own boxes. We haven't been able to put our things in the attic because the people who lived here before us apparently thought empty boxes would increase in value if kept in mint condition. Okay, they were nice people. I liked them, but today - not so much. Not much at all. The attic was absolutely chock full of empty boxes for things ranging from vacuum cleaners to baby stuff to cameras. Here is evidence of the insane box stockpile. I started angrily throwing the boxes down the hole about half way through the "clearing" phase. It actually helped speed the process along.

To all of you secret box-hoarders out there: It's not normal! You're not going to move your vacuum cleaner in the same box you brought it home in, and you are certainly not going to need a box in exactly those dimensions to assist you in some strange way in the future. Am I wrong?!

Anyway, after a morning of box cleanup and recycling, we got a lot more work done around the house.

None of that was nearly as interesting...or taxing. We had a great and productive day overall. Sophia had a fabulous day playing, reading and swinging with Grandmary. And now we're looking forward to the rest of our weekend, in which we can be extremely unproductive.


  1. I confess! I'm a box saver! I seem to move frequently, I might NEED those boxes next time for all my junk!

  2. Trust me - Tracey is definitely a box saver. Most of those boxes end up at my house waiting until her next move! Tracey's Mom

  3. I was thinking the box comment was aimed at me! And do shopping bags count?
    Good Job it is nice to have a big ptoject completed!


  4. looks good and feels even better doesn't it? the floor even looks shinier.

  5. Well, I was mostly thinking of you, Mom. But I know you've admitted that you have a problem. :)

  6. DANG IT, LAURIE! We could have used those boxes! You're killing me.
