After their whirlwind trip and concert high, they will be home tomorrow evening. Until then, Casey and I are charged with entertaining children who happen to be extremely attached to their daddies and who happen to know what the weekend usually means. We decided to start out slow and easy this morning. Donuts and TV. That should work, right? For some reason, the TV didn't have its normal numbing effect on the kids. So, when the sugar kicked in, chaos ensued. They sure seem happy about it!
Plan B was the park. Turned out to be a much better idea, but now we're all exhausted. When Sophia wakes up, Grandmary will be here and a babysitter will be across the street so Casey and I can go to the football game! Yep, all by ourselves. I am really excited. Home opener. New scoreboard. New quarterback. Should be a good time. Maybe I'll get some pictures posted later. So, we don't have to entertain them all on our own this weekend, but it's still rough!
Tomorrow will be the challenge. Wish us luck.
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