Monday, August 4, 2008

Why I need some coffee

We had a good weekend over all, in spite of the following.

I should have seen the foreshadowing when Sophia started wiping Baby Frank's nose.

It wasn't long before she looked liked this.

After three nights of Sophia's coughing and sneezing through the night, none of us feel very good any more. I think it must be these crazy allergies. The air is just full of stuff that shouldn't be there, and we're paying for it dearly. Sophia is currently laying on my bed watching TV saying, "Where's my Lulu?" and she's right next to her. Ugh. Should be a nice long day.


  1. Poor Sophie! Nothing worse than being sick in the middle of the summer.

  2. Poor Sophie! I hate seeing her sick. :-( I think Ava must've had something different, she was snotty & coughy but seemed to feel fine, as crazy as ever.
