Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our Next Adventure

This weekend, Erick and I are taking our first big trip without Sophia. We are going to spend two nights in New Orleans (it's fine, by the way. Ike's going the other way). We are thrilled and excited and giddy. . . until we remember that we're not taking Sophia.

This is our first time leaving her for more than 24 hours. So it feels like such a huge step. She's not feeling well this week, so there's also a certain amount of guilt for leaving her with unsuspecting victims while we're gone. Mostly, I'm just going to miss this face.

We have a great time together, the three of us. I know that she will miss us. It's not going to get any easier, so it's definitely best to break the seal now, so to speak. I've already begun making extensive lists with all of her most recent medications (she has another wheeze and near ear infection) and all of her favorite foods and activities. I know they already know all this, but it just helps this crazy mom feel better.

Just getting it out makes me feel better already. 'Cause you know who has a good time together? Just me and Erick, that's who! Darn right. We'll have a grand old time. We're staying in the hotel we stayed in on our last trip with our friends Paul and Risha. That was back when Risha was pregnant with their Lilly. Anyway, we are so excited to get away and get some sleep and walk around without chasing a toddler. We're looking forward to eating for hours at the same place with all of the utensils near the edge of the table. You know what, the salt and pepper can stay right where they are! I doubt if I have to give Erick consequences for running into the street or running away, so there's that distinct advantage. Our luggage will decrease by about 80%, so that's cool.

So, for you more experienced parents, can you tell me about when you took your first big trip? Did everyone survive?


  1. We barely survived and our children hate us. Enjoy!

  2. I know that feeling exactly. It's so good for everyone involved, yet difficult for all as well. When we returned home from NY last year, Will "punished" me by crying and running to my mom when we got home. Not exactly they way I had envisioned our homecoming. I think I worried more about all the work someone would have to do to take care of him. It will be good for Sophia and she will be well taken care of. But more importantly, you will have a wonderful time with your hubby. I'm sure you will think constantly about Sophia, but won't it feel great to sleep in! Love you and hope you have an incredible time.

  3. Okay, what Lauren said is true. I kid!

  4. I am tempted to tell about the first time I left Bobby, but I don't think it even compares =). Have a great time!

  5. All right, so maybe we'll all survive or maybe Sophia will hate us. I remember when you came back from your first trip, dvd, and your baby boy was thrilled to see you!

    I don't know what to expect, but I'm excited for the chance to find out!

  6. yep, survived!! so will you--have a great time!!!
