Sunday, September 21, 2008

I have a rumbly in my tumbly

As my good friend, Winnie the Pooh, would say, "I have a rumbly in my tumbly." Unfortunately for me, a jar of honey is completely out of the question. Last Wednesday, Erick and I started a diet to end all diets. Well, not really that drastic, but hopefully it will give us habits to eliminate our need for future diets.

This diet is the Six-Week Body Makeover. The diet itself focuses on boosting metabolism by prescribing three meals and three snacks, balanced with protein, carb and fruit, depending on your body type. It seems to be a healthy way to lose weight, if there is such a thing. It's certainly healthier than the way we were gaining weight.

The first couple of days were rough, to say the least. I was just a little on the grumpy side. I guess losing out on my normal comfort foods was taking it out on me. Spending the day in the kitchen preparing less than appetizing meals didn't help any either. Things have thankfully turned around in the last couple of days. I have found a few recipes and ways to make our food tastier, and I think my body is already adjusting to the new habits. Mind you, at this moment, it feels like my stomach has turned inward to eat itself, but still. . . the hunger is always worst just before bed. Just a reason to go to sleep earlier.

Anyway, I just wanted to share the reason that I can't focus. I have never thought so much about food in my life. So that's definitely a downside. The best way I have been able to describe my reason for this diet is that I need to turn the tide for my body before it becomes even more difficult than it will be through October. I've reached the age where I can't eat whatever I want without gaining an ounce. Yet, I still seem to insist on exercising that freedom. I have tried here and there to cut out the bad things, insert the good things and eat at home more, but I just can't seem to find the willpower. So, here we are wrapping up Day 5 of the diet and I don't feel like giving up any time soon.

I'm filling you in so I can continue to update you on my moods, cravings and increasing hotness.

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