Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pat on the Back

I have confirmed with some of my stay-at-home (SAH) friends that one of the hardest parts of leaving the workforce is the sudden absence of affirmation or real sense of accomplishment. At work, you complete a task and get a "good job" or even just the completion of the work itself is enough. At home, the story is very different. The task, as the saying goes, is never complete. Even if it is, a pat on the back or word of praise is pretty hard to come by. Granted the bread-winning partner can praise the SAH partner up and down, but it's just not the same. I am very grateful for Erick's notice and appreciation of my contributions, but there is just something different.

Just recently, however, I have been amazed how a little praise from Sophia can brighten my day. I guess it's because she's my only actual "constituent." The past week or so, she has been so sweet about clapping and saying "Yeah, Mommy!" when I do simple things like get her a drink or change her diaper. It's pretty funny, but I really enjoy it. My favorite happened yesterday when I held her in one arm while getting the stroller out and up with the other arm. Apparently Sophia recognized the level of skill required because she quickly said, "Mommy so strong!" I just really enjoy those little affirmations from Sophia because I really don't expect her to notice when I'm doing my "job." What a privilege to get to serve and add to such an already generous spirit!

What are your favorite stories of notice from your babies? I'd love to hear them.


  1. I love those moments, too! It does feel good to be affirmed, sometimes especially when it comes from your children. We work on manners a lot with Cami, but I'm still surprised when she throws out a "Thank you very much, Mommy.", for just a glass of milk. I also get "Good job" from her a lot. Rory smiles most of the time, so all of that makes for affirming moments. Not to mention when I rock out to Guitar Hero and I get a "You rock" from Cami and clapping from Rory. :)

  2. Oooh, "so strong" and "you rock" are awesome compliments. I agree it is affirming to hear gratefulness, especially from such sincere hearts. I think gratefulness is one of those traits that is most learned through modeling; so good job there, moms.

    My favorite recent experience is working on Aaron and William's back yard play area. William would sit there and hand me a screw when needed and say, "You're doing such a good job, Daddy!" And one time I was working on it, he just walked up and said, "Thank you for making this for us, Daddy." Aaron too, and one of my favorite of his was with this crazy thing only about half built he said excitedly, "we love it just the way it is!"

  3. I agree with dvd- Sophia is modeling a grateful mom. Way to go. I love this story and dvd's too.

  4. I have to say that little Sophia is a very precocious little one to notice at such a young age--I'm impressed!

    I get thank-yous a lot, especially from A2. He says thank you for everything and I never get tired of hearing it!

  5. and before blogs, digital cameras, etc. that is why mothers have saved every note and picture that said thank you, your the best and I love you. Yes I have those notes from all of you!!!

