Thursday, October 2, 2008

The best part

Sophia usually saves her sweetest comments and snuggles for her daddy on the weekends. The fall semester has taken me away from the house at least two evenings a week, so Sophia has had to get used to my absence a little more often. Turns out she misses me!

I had a meeting yesterday that usually keeps me out past Sophia's bedtime, so I had already told her good night. Erick said she had mentioned me a couple of times with an "I miss my mommy, but I'll see her tomorrow."

I was very happy when my meeting was shorter than usual, and I was able to get home before bedtime. When I walked through the door, I heard, "It's my mommy!" That was followed by a big neck hug and Sophia saying, "I'm so happy to see you! I love you when you're gone." She confuses "love" and "miss" pretty often, but it's really the same thing, right? She did follow that up by saying that she was a little sad that I had a meeting.

Those moments are just the best. I'm always sad when I have to leave Sophia and Erick for anything other than shopping or eating, but it is great to know that I'm missed.

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